I learn alot this few days. Two different people in the world, one being positive-minded and another negative-minded. One simple incident can be look into two different ways.
A very good example is a teacher that kinda fierce toward student. On the positive side, you will know the old saying 'it for your own good.' Short-term suffering, long-term gain. On the negative side, you will think that teacher just have smth against you.
What you think you will be is wad you will have.
What you see is what you will get.
Monday and tuesday have being packed. Enjoying spending time with the usuals..
Aaron, Ben, Zhenguo and I went queenway shopping center. Cons suppose to be with us too but having family dinner so being aeroplaned. We went my father place to eat after shop.
Chat alot of crap and issues, have a fun day.
Tuesday being aeroplane again by cons again. watch movie, 'Enchanted' with aaron and mich and certainly feel abit extra there but being thick skinned so who care!!! Lols...
Meet ben zg and ter later for a drink, had quite a fun there and chat alot of issues and problems. I feel quite drunk after that so went to aaron hse overnite.
Being missing poh...
heard the things shan says kinda sadden me. the feeling of a kaki fall down and you must continue the race. unbearable!!!
I will still carry on, carry on this one man show...
是我想太多 你總這樣說
是我想太多 我也這樣說
是我想太多 你總這樣說
是我想太多 我也這樣說
雖然你不說 都是錯在我
太晚我才懂 愛了你太多
是我想太多 你總這樣說
是我想太多 我也這樣說
will update more after i come home..
kinda lazy. =p
Do you ever judge people by the way they are?
Do you ever accuse of people of judging other people?
Do you ever treat people just the way you feel?
Yes i do. People who not realise it unless they themselves sit down and reflect on themselves. I am just one of them. Thinking how is the people by my first look, six sense and their behavior and give them a life sentence. I am also just super sensitive to some issues which maybe make me a judgemental person ba...
i will change as time pass...i hope.
Crazy ideas come into my mind today, kinda high. I just addicted to jolin fast song..."Go Go sister, Go Go brother..."
Lots of thing to prepare for the up coming outreach...
good nights world.
who would you choose? left or right?

aloy will choose the left one but the right one surely attract me the most.
dunno why?
Sunday had this conversation with my colleague..
regina: i ask you ah..how many gf you have before?
me: zero.
regina: huh...why you dun have any before?
me: no money have gf for wad..
regina: or issit you dun dare? nv woo any girls before meh?
me: no ah...waste time waste money. no use...why?
regina: asking only loh..cos i dun like those guys like wanted to woo girl that think the girl sure like him back de.
i know i lied. properly is to covered up bah. things i dun like to review to others, facts that somehow a little bit hard to accept.
After that i went home and start to think unnesscesy things again. Issit i myself the problem or smth? As most of the girls i like before nv talk to me anymore, not anymore but is very less. Maybe i think too much but it somehow true cos i also hardly talk to gina. She also look like selective to ppl to talk to.
I not sure and dunno. mayb i use my zhong nao too much, using too much emotional. Never really use my dao nao to think about it bah.
But i can testify that those bad things i think about will come back and attack me in my dreams. Just on the very same night nia, i dream gina say she dun talk to me cos i am boring. -.-
it so diao ah. that why i put on my msn wayniho is boring? still got some of the past night terror i got told aloy before. those are more scary loh...
Good dream still haven come my way. dunno why?
hope your enjoy my lastest music of the day.
may i love you by z chen
or your can watch this video.
Does people really change as time passed? he/she is different now than the person we know from the past. he/she will be a different person in the future than now. Or issit the better we know a person, as we learn he/she as a person and his/her 'negative' side that we tend to avoid and dislike him/her. Issit a mistake he/she did wrongly that define him/her for a life time? the words out of him/her mouth did damage on him/her self-image? Damage so great that could turn friends to stranger?
Mistake. it define as an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc. a misunderstanding or misconception. Is it something that done wrong cannot be forgiven? or issit a choice that no turning back? Why do people judge the person once they did sometime wrong? A mistake that would people would remember and carefully consider before answer? being treated as a criminal, sentanced to a life time prison in people heart? or something the person do not like and start avoiding thus outcast the people? someone would definitely agree to me by the word outcast. Issit wrong to do something you wanna to do? or issit is the person that is the main problem? His/her attitude? His/her style? Maybe the same mistake is done by other but the result would not be as bad as the person? Different people doing same mistake will different treatment and result? Different judgement to different people? different fate to different people? different suffering on different people?
Lazy to talk about these things anymore. Bigger headacde tomorrow to get my angel something he would likes. I wanna to sleep now. good nights world.